Thursday, May 17, 2012


Good morning ladies & gentleman,
I would like to share about DXN products which i took  5 years already since 2007.
DXN products are basically Supplements, with miraculous healing property of the BODY through TRIPLE ACTION:
·         Removal of Toxins & Toxicity in the Body.
·         Balancing the Bio-Chemicals and Bio-Electricity in the System.
·         Providing Vital (Therapeutic) Minerals & Trace Elements to strengthen     the Body.
 DXN products may be consumed by ALL Human-beings: Healthy, Sick as well as Terminal patients. 
The TRIPLE-OBJECTIVES of DXN consumption are:
·         PREVENT diseases in the case of Healthy (and vulnerable to sickness) people.
·         PROTECT and help Recovery for the Chronic / Terminal Patients.
·         PRESERVE healthy Functions of the body, Reduce sufferings and Extend life-span

DXN products offer TOTAL and COMPLETE solution to all.

DXN products differ from Drugs (Medicines) and Chemicals, in nature and actions.
·         DXN products are Supplements only.
·         They may be consumed along with any other line of Medical treatment.
·         They are used as Coactive / Adjuvant Therapy. No Side Effects.
·         NO INTERACTION with other lines of treatments & drugs.
·         Large volumes of consumption &prolonged usage: SAFE &NON TOXIC.

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Ganoderma Enabling Concept.

 Based in Malaysia with worldwide operation, the company is well-known for its Ganoderma/lingzhi products. 
Its product lines include dietary supplements, food and beverages, personal care products,skin care & comestic, household products and water treatment system

Best Regards,

Ivy crystal
Leader-Queen Network
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